Shaved Brussel Sprout Slaw

Shaved Brussel Sprout Slaw



2 cups Brussel Sprouts shaved

1 apple chopped (or 2 small apples)

½ cup red onion chopped

½ cup Blueberries (optional)

½ cup unsalted toasted sliced almonds (or nut of choice)      

Brianna’s Home Style French Vinaigrette

½ teaspoon Salt

½ teaspoon Pepper



1.      Shave Brussel Sprouts into thin strips using a knife or Mandoline, only shaving the top 2/3 of the brussel sprout and place in a bowl.

2.      Stir in chopped red onion and apple.

3.      Add 1/3 cup of vinaigrette, salt and pepper and stir until all ingredients are coated. Cover the bowl and let sit for 30-60 minutes. This will breakdown the coarseness of the brussel sprouts and give them a more lettuce like texture.

4.      Taste the slaw and add more salt/pepper and vinaigrette to taste your preference. Note: as the slaw sits the ingredients add their own juices which adds to the vinaigrette so you may not want to add to much more otherwise the slaw tends to get soggy. I suggest you add additional vinaigrette right before serving if necessary.

5.      Before serving stir in blueberries and nuts. Adjust seasoning to taste.

6.      Enjoy!  Salad can last 2-3 days in fridge.